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Tote bag - 35.6 x 35.6 x 7.6 cm.
Our life is a balance of emotions, harmonies and sensations. Good and bad co-exist. Night and day, black and white, happiness and sadness, health and sickness. We often try to wait to live a full life, wait till everything becomes perfect. We want good health, happiness, wealth, comfort, warmth – all this all the time . These do not exist in their singularity. With happiness there could be sadness, with great health you may have poverty, with great talent there could be loneliness, with great success there may be missed opportunities. We have to embrace the good with the bad. Let’s not spend our entire life trying to solve all problems and then start living. The difficulties in life make us appreciate our environment and the gifts we possess a lot more. Through difficulties comes great opportunities, great happiness and contentment. There is a balance in life, and once we accept the presence of difficulties then we can fully enjoy the gift of life. This artwork attempts to portray just that. The iron like, evil looking black sharp edge looks pretty intimidating and ominous – signifying all the troubles which life serves us. But through them all we have great happiness and opportunities, and amazing beauty which is depicted in the plant-like formations in a symbolic way where the darkness is evil, and colours are life, finally to reach full blossom with the Bird of Paradise. Live. Love. Life.
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